Cryo 21

This one-of-a-kind, piece of non-invasive technology is great for helping people look and feel younger without having them go under the knife. It is especially nice since it is opioid and pain free. So no need to use heat or any nasty chemicals if ever you want to try out this method of biohacking .

What To Expect.

For best results, it is recommended that you not consume sugar or starches, two hours before a Cryo 21 session. You are also advised to avoid exercise before treatment as well.

As with Cryotherapy, you will be required to remove all metal jewelry, and a robe and socks will be given to you to wear during all Cryo 21 treatments.

Your CryoToning treatment will last for about 20 minutes. The areas of your body containing subcutaneous fat will be cooled with the application of the Cryo 21 wand and a massage technique. This causes your blood vessels to expand, breaking down the tissue that creates dimpling under the surface of the skin and stimulating collagen production.

Your CryoSlimming session is about 30 minutes long and begins with heat being applied to the body. Next, the temperature is quickly decreased to -10 degrees to facilitate cryolipolysis (the death of the fat cells.) The cells will then pass through the lymphatic system over time.

For your Cryofacial, you will sit back and relax as your aesthetician applies the LED cold wand to your face and neck. As a result of this process, your skin will immediately begin to feel smoother and tighter.

What Happens Next

You may return to your normal activities immediately following your CryoToning session. For best results, sugar should be avoided for 2 hours after your CryoSlimming treatment, and you are advised to incorporate the best possible diet moving forward. You are discouraged from practicing hot yoga right after both CryoToning and CryoSlimming treatments.

Results are often visible following your first treatment; however, the best results appear 15 to 21 days after your initial treatment and continue to improve for several months after. The most noticeable effects occur after 5 sessions.



26135 Carmel Rancho Blvd F-21
Carmel, CA 93923
Tel: (831) 250-5874

Mon-Fri: 11am-5pm
Sat: 11am-2pm